Today began with Findus The Dog coming for a few hours to get to know me a bit better. He sniffed a bag with one of my old nappies in it, and seemed to understand straight away that there was a new member of the gang. He was a little bit quiet, but I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun when we get to know each other better.
For most of the day I slept, and slept, and slept. I used up a lot of energy in my first few days, so I need to get as much rest as I can, not to mention take on as much nourishment as I can, and I’m certainly doing that!
Jutta came round again and freed me from the plastic clip that was put around the rest of the umbilical cord (the rest will come off soon); she gave Mum and Dad some powder to put on it to speed up the process. She also examined my head where the doctors had helped me out on Saturday, and said we should make an appointment with the paediatrician to have it checked out, so Mum immediately made one for tomorrow: she certainly doesn’t waste any time!
There was another wonderful surprise in the post today, a beautiful Schutzengelkette (guardian angel necklace) from Susanne, one of Mum’s best friends. It’s a pretty little thing, which is said to symbolise life and love: that’s very good news, as I want to experience a great deal of both!
At 8pm I was seen live for the first time by someone outside Germany, when Granddad Mervyn, Dad’s Dad, called on Skype from Wales. He agreed I was very sweet, and was a bit surprised when Dad told him I’d been sleeping quite well so far. He said he’d call again to see me on Friday: I think he’s another one on whom I’ve had quite an effect!
Good news about yesterday’s drama: Dad found the card and message in the recycling bin in the hallway after taking every single bit of paper out and searching. It was Mum’s idea, and Dad didn’t really think someone would simply have thrown it away where it could be found easily.
The night was just fine: apart from a single feed at 3am I slept right through, which is just as well because tomorrow’s going to be a big day!
A cliffhanger. Maybe this baby should have been called Scheherazade!!. Still nasty neighbours.